Take a look how to improve your health and lose weight in a very simple way with little changes in your diet.
Eat slowly and chew the food longer
Bigger and harder ingredients should be chewed for a longer period (apple, celery, carrots or walnuts. This ingredients make our mouth active for a longer period, which is different when we eat chips. Our body needs time to react when the feeling of hunger is gone, so it’s better to eat slowly if you want to lose weight.
The best food is the one which is naturally grown
The potato grows in the ground, and we get the egg from the chicken. But, where do snacks and sweets come from? If the answer is from a factory, then surround them. You will have the most benefits from unprocessed fresh food. The thermal processing of the food takes out the nutritional values like antioxidants and vegetable fibers. Nothing can change the naturally grown food
There is no fruit in “fruit flavor”
If you see a package that says “ with flavor of...” it means that her real aroma is removed and replaced with factory flavor.
Read the content on he back side of the product
What is written on the front side of the product is a commercial, so turn the back side to read the truth. The more ingredients the product has, the bigger the chances of processed and artificial food that should be avoid.
Eat ice cream instead of sweets
When you wish for an ice cream, no light or “no cholesterol” one will make you satisfied. This kind of food will keep you hungry and you will have the feeling that you’ve been lied.
Calories are entered with drinks
Some drinks may seem healthy because of the color and the packing like cold tea and juices, when instead they are sweetened waters.
Check what kind of meat you buy
If you notice that your kids are turning into “balls”, who knows what you’re eating. When you eat meat products like hot dogs, sausages or pates, you eat additives instead of nutrients.
Eat Mediterranean food
You don’t need to eat fish only when you go by the sea. A plate of grilled fish combined with fresh vegetable and a glass of wine, can be a part of your menu at least once a week. Mediterranean food decreases the risk of heart illnesses, and keeps your body line.
Don’t eat too much before sleeping.
The car needs petrol when it needs to be driven, not when it’s placed in tha garage - then why would you eat your biggest meal at night when we burn very little calories? Instead, take 550 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch and 400 for diner, while your snack should contain 100 calories.
Learn from the great cooks
We all like to watch the big cooks on TV preparing amazing food. People often look at those episodes and think there is no chance they would ever prepare something like that. But that’s not true. Steal some tricks and listen to their advises about healthy nutrition choosing fresh ingredients and start preparing healthier meals.