The three most important international organizations - FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) and WHO (World Health Organization) together noticed children`s susceptibility on pesticides, as well as their necessary protection from chemicals.

How can agrochemicals threaten our health?

Many scientific researches are aimed at discovering the mechanism of non-biodegradable agrochemicals:

They inhibit the metabolism (it can lead to weight gain and cellulite);
They destroy the cells of the pancreas (it can lead to diabetes tip 2);
They destroy neurotransmitter and brain cells (it can cause lack of concentration and memory);
They reduce the amount of minerals and vitamins (specially A, C and B, which leads to anxiety, depression and aggression);
They change the acid-base balance (the acidic environment is conducive for development of cysts, myomas, cancer and osteoporosis); Release free radicals (among other things cause premature aging); Reduce fertility (the consequences can be sterility, impotence and miscarriage);
They change the genetic material (can cause degenerative diseases);
They cause allergies and inflammation processes

The organism needs healthy diet

Try to minimize the intake of animal fats, red meat and full-fat dairy products, because they accumulate non-biodegradable chemicals.
Besides fruits and vegetables, eat nuts and whole grains organic matter because they bind toxins and clean the body
Always choose seasonal fruits and vegetables to avoid intake of chemicals used to slow down or speed up ripening, preserving the color and prolong the shelf life of imported products.
Avoid eating fatty food and meat products containing additives in the form of nitrates and nitrites.
Avoid imported food in the diet such as coffee, cocoa, sugar and tropical fruit because farmers in Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and India use even higher concentrations of pesticides than allowed here.
For successful „cleaning“ on your organism from toxins drink at least 2l of water.
Twice a year detoxify the body and get rid of toxins that can sometimes reach weight of 10 kg.