Don’t fool yourself. Exercising is not the same as losing weight. But don’t use this as an excuse to spend the whole weekend relaxed in front of the tv or use the elevator instead of stairs.

Keep in mind that the physical activity helps in maintaining the healthy level of cholesterol, regulation of the blood presssure, keeps the muscles in good shape, and it has positive effect on the brain work. What you should do is forget the idea that the sport or any other physical activity is the only best way of losing weight. There is a book published in America considering this subject. "Good calories, bad calories" (Good Calories, bad calories), from the author Gary Taubes, who collected information for several years through conversations with more than 600 specialists regarding nutrition and metabolism. In the book are refuted many beliefs associated with weight, diets and calories.

Why are we getting fatter?

Less sleep, more kilograms. Insufficient sleep (less than 7 hours) can lead to changes in the hormone level and increase the need for food. The less you sleep, the faster you will gain weight.

Obese and contaminated. Chemicals, pesticides, plastic etc. are things that have very bad influence on the endocrine glands and lead to weight gaining.

Hot-cold. When the room temperature is in so called “neutral zone”, we don’t need to use energy for raising or lowing the body temperature.

"Calorific" medications. Many medications (but not necessary) can lead to weight gain - antidepressants, beta - blockers, contraceptives...

Race and gender. Afro - Americans and Latin Americans in their middle age are prone to overweight. 30% from Mexican women are faced with gaining weight and 50% of the black women all around the world are fighting with obesity.

Fat mother. Mother`s obesity and diabetes during pregnancy and breastfeeding can increase the possibility that the child will have weight problems when it grows up.

Newborn baby on a scale. Childern born with higher birth weight than usual, even the ones that" gained" more weight in the first months than usual, are prone to weight gain later in life.